Carbon Fast for Lent: February 17 – April 3, 2010


KAIROS invites you to participate in a Carbon Fast for Lent.
This year we’ve created a resource that offers suggestions on how to celebrate this holy season—a time to reflect on what fasting is all about
and on how we can reduce our personal carbon footprint and advocate for social change. 
This is part of our on-going Re-Energize campaign.

This resource includes a scriptural reflections, the voices of our Southern partners, and a daily calendar guide offering a weekly theme, a scripture focus, and daily suggestions for personal change and community advocacy.

Carbon Fast for Lent – 11×17 double-sided foldable leaflet (pdf) >>

Carbon Fast for Lent – four-page 8.5×11 document (pdf) >>

For more information contact:
Dorothy McDougall, Coordinator for Ecological Justice
1-877-403-8933 ext. 222

Filed in: Ecological Justice

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