Gendered Impacts Symposium: Indigenous Women and Resource Extraction, Oct 13, 2015 in Vancouver

“ In a lot of countries women are on the frontline of this resistance and logically so because they are the ones who know by heart and by their Indigenous knowledge how mining, for example, is going to impact on their food… Yet, their contributions are invisible.”
Joan Carling, a member of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, May 2014
Oct. 13, 2015 from 9 am to 3 pm
Vancouver Public Library Central Branch
350 W Georgia St, Vancouver
Alma VanDusen and Peter Kaye Rooms
Alma Brooks, Maliseet Nation, Grandmother, Wabanaki Confederacy
Gloria Chicaiza, Acción Ecológica (Ecuador)
Piya Macliing Malayao, Igorot tribe, KATRIBU, national alliance of Indigenous peoples organizations and Innabuyog Indigenous Women’s Collective (Philippines)
Elana Nightingale and Meeka Otway, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
Verna Polson, Anishnabe Nation, Quebec Native Women/Femmes autochtones du Québec
Ann Marie Sam, Nak’azdli First Nation, First Nations Women Advocating for Responsible Mining
Indigenous women offer perspectives on resource extraction that are often not heard or understood when evaluating a project’s risks and benefits or tracking its long term social and environmental impacts.
Research by and with Indigenous women is filling a sizeable knowledge gap about how resource extraction impacts Indigenous women and community well-being.
At this symposium civil society, Indigenous organizations, and political and industry representatives will explore these issues with experts from Canada, Ecuador and the Philippines who will present findings, share experiences, and propose strategies on joint action.
This is a multi-year project and builds on a delegation of women to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in May 2014 and a similar symposium held in Ottawa in November 2014.
An initiative of KAIROS Canada in partnership with First Nations Women Advocating for Responsible Mining (FNWARM), Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada , Quebec Native Women/Femmes autochtones du Québec, the Wabanaki Confederacy, Amnesty International and others.