KAIROS is committed to work addressing the causes of forced migration, while promoting a climate of dignity and welcome for uprooted people. Core to this commitment is the implementation of the International Convention on the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families and the ILO Convention #189, which recognizes domestic work as work.
Canada’s foreign policy can be seen to be complicit in human displacement. Migrants flee poverty, often violations of economic, social and cultural rights, at home, only to find themselves in precarious living and working conditions in Canada. Without permanent residency status, migrants have restricted access to social services and few guarantees of their labour rights. Immigration policies, rather than addressing real labour needs, restrict opportunities for residency while encouraging unstable and potentially exploitative migrant work contexts.
In our commitment to migrant justice, KAIROS current priorities include increasing pressure towards ratification and implementation of the International Conventions, fair and dignified immigration policy, and the development of temporary foreign worker programs based on fair labour standards and inclusive of comprehensive monitoring.
While not a lead organization, KAIROS does respond in solidarity to education and action campaigns related to refugee rights, as requested and able.
The engagement of Diaspora communities in human rights action, building bridges between diverse communities, such as migrant and Indigenous peoples, and education towards racial justice, are key strategies of how we work. Our role often includes facilitating networking among migrant and labour groups, churches and other allies.
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To learn about migrant justice activities in your area or to connect with a migrant justice hub nearest you, please contact the Migrant Justice Program Coordinator.
Migrant Justice workshop resources:
Key documents: