Update from KAIROS

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For a number of years, KAIROS has been faced with the challenge of decreasing resources.  The reasons are multiple—the dramatic defunding by CIDA, cuts in member contributions due to their own resource challenges, and volatile investment income.  Due to member commitment, special grants and the incredible support of our donors, who continue to grow, we have been able to weather these storms.  While there have been cuts to global partnership grants and some staff attrition—both of which had significant impact—deficits have been avoided and there have been no cuts to existing staff.

However, the situation for the 2013 and 2014 budgets remains challenging and on June 13, 2013, the Board of KAIROS approved a plan to address anticipated deficits through a strong investment in fundraising and through necessary staffing reductions.  Management and union were able to negotiate a voluntary exit program, a process which is now complete.

As of October 4, 2013, as a result of the voluntary exit program, three staff will be leaving KAIROS—Jim Davis, Julie Graham, and Adiat Junaid. Each of these individuals has made a tremendous contribution to the life and work of KAIROS. While we wish them the best in their future endeavours, we will be very sad to see them leave the staff team.  We plan to organize opportunities for members of the KAIROS community to thank each of these staff members for their service and commitment. In addition, another valued colleague, Emily Wilson, resigned prior to the voluntary exit program.

The acceptance of voluntary exits from these individuals does not in all cases coincide with the areas where staffing is being reduced. Some staff members are taking on new roles, either through internal hiring processes or adjustments related to the voluntary exits.  The staff has been reorganized into two teams—one related to program (advocacy, partnerships and education) and one related to organizational development (fundraising and communications).  Responsibilities and roles are being worked out with remaining staff, and a new organizational chart will be available soon.  The overall reduction, including both staff and management, is 3.8 positions (20.8 full time equivalents reduced to 17 full time equivalents).

KAIROS will continue to be a faithful ecumenical response to the call to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.”  It is not our intention at this time to eliminate existing program priorities within human rights and ecological justice, but rather to reduce some activities, lengthen timelines and further integrate programs.  Building an ecumenical justice movement, including through outreach to young adult constituencies, continues to be an overarching priority.  We recognize the loss in the work and experience of exiting colleagues as a significant reduction in capacity, and look to the broader community for the support that will help keep us strong.  We continue to be thankful for the dedicated Board and Circles, the committed staff team, strong member churches/organizations, partners and donors, vibrant networks, and allies of faith and conscience.  We are confident that our unique contribution to ecological justice and human rights will endure.

If you have further questions, please contact the Executive Director, Jennifer Henry, at jhenry@kairoscanada.org.

Filed in: Media Releases


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