This is a hybrid event. You can attend in person or online.
Either way, please register.
If you are attending in person and have any food allergies, please contact Debby at:
Suggested donation for those attending: $20 or what you can afford. Full payment can be done online or skipped and a sliding scale is available at the door.
Our theme this year is Sacred Water and we will be exploring hydroelectric development in light of the treaty relationship. Our guests will include Elder Carolyn Moar, Rev. David Saude, the Interchurch Council on Hydro Power (, Janice Ross, and lawyer Natalie Copps. Shannon Neufeldt from KAIROS head office will also present this year’s KAIROS campaign on environmental justice.
Janice Ross Bone recently defended her Master’s thesis Water, Water, Dreams and Treaties: Agnes Ross’ Mémékwésiwak Stories and Treaty No. 5 in which she explores Hydro development and Treaty No. 5 negotiations. Her talk is entitled Hydro Development and the Treaty Relationship in Treaty No. 5.
Natalie Copps is a self-employed Winnipeg lawyer who specializes in Indigenous and Aboriginal Law, in particular hydro development. She holds a Doctorate of Law (JD), a Master’s of Science (MS Peace Studies and Conflict), and a Bachelor’s of Arts (BAPolitical Science and Art History). Her talk is entitled Water Power: The Legal World between Indigenous Water Stewardship and Hydro-electric Development. She will discuss the legalities of hydro-electric development in light of the treaties as well as the legal rights of water.
9:00 AM Registration
9:30 AM Welcome: Ellen Wood (current Chair) and Elder Carolyn Moar
10:00 AM Prayer and Reflection on Creation: Rev. David Saude
10:30 AM Interchurch Council on Hydro Power: update
11:15 AM Janice Ross Bone, M.A. Hydro Development and the Treaty Relationship in Treaty No. 5
12:30 PM Lunch
1:45 PM Natalie Copps, JD. Water Power: The Legal World between Indigenous Water Stewardship and Hydro-electric Development
3:30 PM KAIROS CANADA campaign
4:00 PM Closing
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