Women do the sustainability heavy lifting worldwide

Women do the sustainability heavy lifting worldwide
Women do the sustainability heavy lifting worldwide

Two weeks before the 28th UN climate change conference (COP28) kicked off in Dubai, I was at a women-led nature centre in the heart of Colombia. Conceived and managed by the Organización Femenina Popular (OFP), La Comunera is helping to lay the groundwork for a return to a balanced ecosystem in the region — from a feminist perspective.

Notably, just as COP28 was getting underway and raising eyebrows over its lack of female representation, UN Women released a report on feminist climate justice, advocating for targeted investment in this demographic.

“Women continue to drive ambitious climate action more than everywhere, including in their communities, cities, countries and regions,” said Amina Mohammed, the UN deputy secretary-general, during the conference’s Gender Equality Day.

Filed in: Gender Justice, Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Global South, WPS

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