Global Partners

Use the map above or the tabs below to peruse a list of KAIROS Global Partners.


KAIROS Canada (Toronto Office)

80 Hayden Street, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2

Tel: 416-463-5312
Toll free: 1-877-403-8933

KAIROS Canada (Ottawa Office)

PO Box 64047 Ottawa RPO Wellington, ON K1Y 4V1

Tel: 613-235-9956
Toll free: 1-877-403-8933


KAIROS is a member of the following advocacy initiatives:

Ad Hoc Coalition on the UN Declaration
Canadian Network for Corporate Accountability
Canadian Council for International Co-operation
Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR)
Canadian Environmental Network / Le Réseau Canadien de l’environnement
Climate Action Network Canada
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance
Green Economy Network
Halifax Initiative
MiningWatch Canada
Our Living Waters Networ
Sudan Inter-Agency Reference Group
Table de concertation sur la région des Grands Lacs
Women Peace and Security Network – Canada

At times KAIROS collaborates on shared objectives with the following Canadian solidarity partners

Amnesty International
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Canadian Friends of Sabeel
Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)
Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW)
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
Canadian Youth Climate Coalition
Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT)
Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ)
Common Frontiers
Council of Canadians
Defenders of the Land
Families of Sisters in Spirit (FSIS)
Feeding My Family
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada (The Caring Society)
First Nations Summit
Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)
Indigenous Environmental Network

Indigenous Network on Economies and Trade (INET)

Indigenous Peoples’ Solidarity Movement Ottawa (IPSMO)
Legacy of Hope
Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO)
Minwasshin Lodge
National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC)
Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC)
Odawa Native Friendship Centre
Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG)
Project of Heart
Project Ploughshares
Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)
Regroupement pour la responsabilité sociale et l’équité (RRSE)
Réseau oecuménique justice et paix
Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE)
Stop the Killing Network-Canada
Social Investment Organization (SIO)
Student Christian Movement of Canada
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health
Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC)
United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)/Agricultural Workers Alliance (AWA)

At times, KAIROS collaborates on shared objectives with the following international solidarity partners:

Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
Asia Pacific Research Network
Bench Marks Foundation (South Africa)
Center for Environmental Concerns, Philippines
Climate Justice Now!
Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility (U.K.)
Focus on the Global South
Friends of the Earth International
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (U.S.)
Jubilee South
Observatory of Mining Conflicts in Latin America (OCMAL)
Pacific People’s Partnership
Pan African Climate Justice Alliance
Red Latin Americana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Sociales y Ambientales
Third World Network
Via Campesina
West Papua Action Network
World Council of Churches

Canadian Network

KAIROS Manitoulin


Country Partners

HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual


HaMoked – Founded by Dr. Lotte Salzberger, is a human rights NGO assisting Palestinians living under the Israeli occupation and the severe and ongoing violations of their rights it causes. HaMoked promotes the enforcement of the standards and values of international humanitarian and human rights law.





Since 1989, B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories has distinguished itself among Israel’s most prominent human rights defenders. B’Tselem was established during the first Intifada by Israeli academics, lawyers, authors and Knesset members to inform the Israeli public about the human rights impact of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories. It has become a highly respected human rights organization internationally and continues to document and advocate for the rights of the occupied population.
B’Tselem strives to end Israel’s occupation, recognizing that this is the only way to achieve a future that ensures human rights, democracy, liberty and equality to all people, Palestinian and Israeli, living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The organization works to expose the injustice, violence, and dispossession inherent to the regime of occupation, to deconstruct the apparatuses that enable it, and challenge its legitimacy in Israel and around the world. It provides a unique, principled Israeli perspective which is based on careful research and bold analysis that significantly contribute to understanding Israeli policies in the occupied territories.

Wi’am: Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center


Based in Bethlehem, the  Wi’am: Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center began operation in March 1995. “Wi’am” in Arabic means “cordial relationships” and developing relationships is the essence of Wi’am’s mission. The Center helps to resolve disputes within Palestinian communities by implementing the traditional Arab form of mediation known as Sulha, as well as Western models of conflict resolution. Wi’am provides services for women and children and seeks to educate local Palestinian communities on equality, democratic norms, and basic human rights.

KAIROS supports Wi’am’s work to address violence by providing counselling for Palestinian women throughout the West Bank who are victims of abuse, and by offering employment training. Wi’am is helping empower victims to become voices in their own defense and for community justice and peace.

KAIROS needs to raise 1.3 million dollars in matching funds to sustain the Women of Courage: Women, Peace & Security program. 

For every $1 you donate, our partners will get $4

Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees


The Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR) is a department of the Middle East Council of Churches with a mandate to provide assistance to Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza. Most of this assistance is in the form of social services and emergency assistance. The Canadian churches have supported vocational training and health care programs in Gaza, and land reclamation and water projects in the West Bank. DSPR also advocates for the refugees’ right of return and for an end to the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories.

Regional Partners

Centro de Formación Integral Para Promotores Indígenas A.C, Diocese of San Cristobal

Chiapas – Mexico

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Acción Ecológica


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Country Partners

Tepeyac Human Rights Centre


The Tepeyac Human Rights Centre (Tepeyac) has monitored and documented human rights violations of the Indigenous peoples in the region since its foundation in 1992. Tepeyac was formed as a program of the Diocese of Tehuantepec. KAIROS has supported the work of Tepeyac in the areas of human rights, sustainable community development, education, documentation, and community accompaniment. In a region with great biodiversity, Tepeyac has seen new levels of hunger and malnutrition related to the impacts of climate change and unsustainable industrial practices that lead to ecological degradation.

Tepeyac is committed to promoting useful and ecologically sound technologies to mitigate climate change, and to train community members in sustainable practices.

Organización Femenina Popular


The Popular Feminist Organization (OFP) was established in 1972 in the city of Barrancabermeja.  Today the OFP has a presence across the Magdalena Medio, as well as Bogotá and Huila and has become one of the largest and most well-respected grassroots women’s organizations in Colombia.  The OFP represents thousands of women, and has programming in the areas of peace, human rights, health, and food security.  The Magdaleno Medio ‘s natural wealth, especially in oil and gold, alongside its extreme poverty (nearly double the national average) made it a focal point in Colombia’s armed conflict.  The OFP’s experience accompanying victims of social and economic injustice and political violence in this region gives them a unique perspective on the peace process.

At a local level the OFP continues to operate casas de mujeres and run community kitchens which offer affordable meals and provide some income to the women’s centres. It provides psycho-social counselling, legal support to women victims of violence, human rights training, and youth programs.  The OFP continues to accompany women victims of the war who are seeking reparations through the implementation of the Victims’ Law (Ley de Victimas,  2011).  They are also engaged in a process of collective reparations with the State Victims Unit in recognition of the threats and violations they suffered as an organization, including the assassination of a number of their leaders.  The OFP has become an emblematic case of collective reparations in Colombia.  KAIROS has been in partnership with the OFP for over 15 years.

KAIROS needs to raise 1.3 million dollars in matching funds to sustain the Women of Courage: Women, Peace & Security program. 

For every $1 you donate, our partners will get $4

Association for Community Development and Promotion


Association for Community Development and Promotion (CEIBA) was founded in 1992 and works with communities in four departments and 17 municipalities in Guatemala. CEIBA supports initiatives that come from communities to strengthen their capacity to bring about social change and propose alternatives.

Since its inception, CEIBA has provided human rights support and integral community development in the department of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. The communities it works with have been impacted by land insecurity, unsustainable land use practices by extractive industries or industrial agriculture, and by climate change. CEIBA accompanies communities in their efforts to build sustainable alternatives.

Since 2007, KAIROS has supported CEIBA in its accompaniment of community leaders and traditional authorities in the development of public policy related to natural resources and land use. The partnership focuses on supporting CEIBA’s work building the capacity of vulnerable Indigenous communities to promote sustainable livelihoods and food security and its climate change program.

Country Partners

Héritiers de la Justice

Democratic Republic of Congo

Héritiers de la Justice (HJ) is a human rights organization in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). KAIROS supports three programs related to the promotion of good governance. The first supports a legal clinic to combat the prevalence and impunity of gender based violence on girls and women by having perpetrators prosecuted, sentenced and incarcerated while restoring victims to their communities. The second involves creating spaces in which leaders are accountable to the governed on public services, permitting citizens to ask questions and participate in making decisions in the areas where they live. The third includes the development of human rights expertise in the public sector through training national, provincial and local government employees, especially as it relates to violence against women. KAIROS worked with Héritiers de la Justice to monitor the last national elections.
HJ’s former Executive Secretary, Pascal Kabangulu, was assassinated in his home, in front of his family (now refugees in Canada), for his knowledge of illicit trade activities and persistent defence of human rights. In advocating for legal proceedings in the DRC on this situation, KAIROS views this case as a portal though which to help Congolese civil society combat the pervasive culture of impunity entrenched in the DRC and monitor progress in the areas of justice and good governance.

KAIROS partnership with Héritiers de la Justice increasingly addresses the safety of children and youth, related to peace building and human rights, as well as the legal prevention and recourse for young women and girl victims of gender-based violence.

Chantal Bilulu, woman of courage

KAIROS needs to raise 1.3 million dollars in matching funds to sustain the Women of Courage: Women, Peace & Security program. 

For every $1 you donate, our partners will get $4

South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC)

South Sudan

South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC) is a national fellowship of Catholic, Protestant and Coptic churches in northern and southern Sudan which advocates for conflict resolution, human rights and justice. It has sponsored civil society fora to promote dialogue, reconciliation and unity among Southern Sudanese political and military factions and coordinated civil society input to the Inter Governmental Authority for Development, the Sudan peace process that followed the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005, which ended over 20 years of north-south civil war.

KAIROS needs to raise 1.3 million dollars in matching funds to sustain the Women of Courage: Women, Peace & Security program. 

For every $1 you donate, our partners will get $4

World Student Christian Federation

DRC, Kenya and Sudan

The World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) promotes the union of 26 national Student Christian Movements (SCMs) and is an association of youth, students and members of academic communities throughout Africa. WSCF works for socio-economic justice, peace, human rights and helps to build leadership capacity.

KAIROS supports WSCF’s HIV and AIDS Economic Justice Platform for Action which looks beyond symptoms of the pandemic to structural barriers to treatment. The Platform addresses the ways that debt, the Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative, Structural Adjustment Programs in their many forms, Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights, and the lack of inexpensive anti-retroviral drugs exacerbate the problems.

KAIROS’ partnership with WSCF focuses on mobilizing and harnessing the enthusiasm of youth and student leaders in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation approaches to sustainable agricultural development and food security in DRC, Kenya and Sudan.

Oilwatch Africa

Ghana, Mali and Nigeria

Oilwatch Africa coordinates work across 15 countries in Africa and is hosted by Environmental Rights Action (ERA), in Nigeria. It has built a strong, active network to monitor and respond to the impacts of fossil fuel activities on African peoples and their environment. The Oilwatch International network is dedicated to developing global strategies for communities affected by oil operations and supporting their efforts to ensure ecological sustainability. In addition, Oilwatch Africa makes an effort to raise the global environmental conscience by exposing industry impacts on tropical forests and local populations.  It establishes the relationship between land use and consumption, climate change, food security, human rights violations, and the destruction of biodiversity.

KAIROS’ partnership with Oilwatch Africa focuses on fostering conditions for an enabling environment for sustainable agricultural development in Ghana, Mali and Nigeria.

All Africa Conference of Churches

DRC, Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia

The All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) was established in 1963 and consists of 134 churches and 35 National Councils of Churches representing 39 African countries.

AACC mobilizes churches around a common framework for ecumenical action on climate change, recognizing that Africans will be disproportionately affected by climate change with some 20 million people already displaced. AACC has published research and engagement materials such as Water, Environment and Climate Change: Where is the Church.

KAIROS works in partnership with AACC particularly in Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, and with sub-regional fellowships of churches. The partnership focuses on addressing climate change and its impact on creating an environment for sustainable agricultural development. KAIROS also works with AACC’s Women as Agents of Peace program to further research on impacts and strategies to address gender based violence in conflict zones.

African Women Economic Policy Network (AWEPON)


The African Women Economic Policy Network (AWEPON) is a membership-based organization registered in Uganda that focuses on the promotion of gender equity and economic justice. Its programs analyze economic policies of African countries to identify their negative impact on women and engage for positive change. It also trains women in economic literacy to acquire skills to identify and analyze economic policies that negatively affect them. 

KAIROS’ partnership focuses on AWEPON’s climate change program that includes the relation between climate change and food security.

African Initiative on Mining, Environment and Society (AIMES)

The African Initiative on Mining, Environment and Society (AIMES) is a pan-African network inspired by the Third World Network-Africa. AIMES engages in analysis and provides forums for its members to evaluate land use and national land use policies, build consensus, and share information and experiences. KAIROS’ partnership with AIMES focuses on the industrial impacts on food security in Africa and the development of civil society alternatives for land use in Africa that address food security needs.