KAIROS Partner and Honorary Witness Naty Atz Sunuc Video Message to the TRC

As an Honorary Witness to the TRC National Event in Vancouver last September, KAIROS partner Naty Atz Sunuc was invited by the Commissioners to attend the National TRC National Event in Edmonton. Work and family commitments in Guatemala prevented her from attending, but she sent this video message.

In her message, Naty talks about the TRC’s profound impact on her, and about her covenant as an Honorary Witness to continue to work for truth, reconciliation and justice for her Indigenous brothers and sisters in Canada. She stresses that in order to realize genuine justice and reconciliation, Canada and Canadians must address the ongoing violation of Indigenous peoples’ human rights, especially those linked to resource extraction.
Naty’s video message is part of the official records of the TRC.


KAIROS Partner and Honorary Witness Naty Atz Sunuc Video Message to the TRC

Filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage


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