Support BC First Nations’ Opposition to Northern Gateway

This past week, the KAIROS community was deeply engaged in the release of the findings and recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).  Justice Murray Sinclair, Chair of the Commission, urged us forward, saying “We have described for you a mountain. We have shown you the path to the top. We call upon you to do the climbing.”

This week, we are being given the opportunity to start climbing.

In its recommendations, the TRC calls on Canada to “fully adopt and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples as the framework for reconciliation.”  It also calls on  Canadian corporations to  “commit to meaningful consultation, building respectful relationships, and obtaining the free, prior, and informed consent of Indigenous peoples before proceeding with economic development projects.”

Yet the federal government and Canada’s oil and gas sector remain committed to building the Northern Gateway pipeline from Edmonton through northern BC to the coast despite the opposition of First Nations, who fear ecological damage and whose right to free, prior, and informed consent has not been honoured.

June 17 marks one year since the government’s approval of the pipeline. In that year, opposition to the pipeline project has increased. An innovative campaign, Pull Together, has raised $350,000.00 to help seven First Nations in northern BC challenge the pipeline in court.  Legal battles are expensive and now, on the anniversary, people are pulling together once again.  British Columbia will host the “Week to End Enbridge” from June 13 to 21 — a time to mobilize, to gather, to have fun, and raise another $250,000 for the cause.

Supporting the seven First Nations is one concrete step that you can takes towards reconciliation.

Events are taking place across BC, but this is an issue for all Canadians, and we are asking you, wherever you are, to contribute however you can.

Visit the KAIROS website to learn more about what KAIROS has said about Northern Gateway.

Filed in: Ecological Justice

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