ROJeP Declaration on extractive industries in Quebec
In June 2015, ROJeP (Réseau œcuménique justice et paix), the Quebec-based ecumenical network and KAIROS partner, issued the following public declaration on extractive industries in Quebec. This statement comes on the heels of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and is a re-affirmation of ROJeP’s commitment to standing in solidarity and living in right relations with Indigenous peoples.
The original French version is available on the ROJeP website:
Réseau œcuménique justice et paix (ROJeP)
(Forestry, mining, shale gas, oil, etc.)
Whereas Indigenous peoples in Quebec frequently oppose incursions of the extractive industry into their territories without their consultation or consent;
Whereas non-Indigenous communities frequently oppose the installation of extractive industry operations in their area;
Whereas the extractive industry often wreaks havoc with ecosystems in the areas where it operates and repeatedly violates the rights of local populations;
Le Réseau œcuménique justice et paix (ROJeP)
Expresses its solidarity with different Indigenous communities that are making claims against or offer resistance to extractive industries operating in their territories;
Affirms that Indigenous peoples must be consulted, in accordance with their recognized rights, before and during each phase of the development of any extractive sector project that affects their traditional territory;
Insists that extractive industries must obtain the consent of Indigenous peoples before establishing operations on their traditional territory;
Expresses support for the demands of Quebec communities that oppose the irresponsible actions of extractive industries in their areas;
Requires all extractive companies to demonstrate, in accordance with the laws in effect at the outset of any project, that its activities will not cause permanent harm to ecosystems, nor to the health of local communities;
Declares emphatically that oil pipeline projects pose too great a risk to the ecosystems of local communities and that they should therefore not pass through the territory of Quebec.
Signed in Montréal, 22 June 2015
List of signatories
- Action des chrétiens pour l’abolition de la torture (ACAT)
- Groupe de théologie contextuelle québécoise (GTCQ)
- Centre Justice et Foi
- Groupe Solidarité Justice – Sœurs des Saints Noms de Jésus et Marie (SNJM)
- Pastorale sociale, Diocèse de Valleyfield
- Pax Christi – Montréal /Antennes de paix
- Carrefour de participation, ressourcement et formation (CPRF)
- Consistoire laurentien de l’Église unie
- Bureau de justice sociale de la Congrégation Notre-Dame (CND)
- Service de la promotion humaine / Diocèse de Longueuil
- KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
- Société religieuse des amis (Quakers)
- Commission justice, paix et intégrité de la création (Petites sœurs de l’Assomption)
- Regroupement Justice/Environnement (Sœurs de Sainte-Croix)
- Centre de théologie et d’éthique contextuelles québécoises (CETECQ)
- Terre Sacrée
- Développement et Paix
- Comité Justice et Foi des sœurs des Saints Cœurs de Jésus et de Marie
- Comité JPIC-Québec de la CRC
- L’Entraide missionnaire
- Mouvement des travailleurs chrétiens
- Fondation Béati
- Société des Missions Étrangères
- Pastorale sociale du diocèse de Montréal
- Groupe solidarité justice (Congrégation de Notre-Dame du Québec -CNDQ)
- Comité pour les droits humains en Amérique latine (CDHAL)
Le Réseau œcuménique justice et paix (ROJeP)
25, Jarry Street West, Montreal (Quebec) H2P 1S6