KAIROS’ Education for Reconciliation action receives nods from high profile leaders
KAIROS’ Education for Reconciliation action received a boost on February 20 when the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, Carolyn Bennett retweeted KAIROS’ online campaign petition.
In November 2015, KAIROS Canada and the Legacy of Hope Foundation mobilized their national networks to advocate for the Truth and Reconciliation (TRC)’s Call to Action #62.i. This call urges provincial governments and educators to ensure that all students learn about residential schools, Treaties, and the contributions made by First Nations, Inuit and Métis to Canada.
Minister Bennett’s tweet follows a public acknowledgement of the campaign by TRC Commissioner Justice Murray Sinclair during the release of the TRC’s Final Report in December (read his remarks). Justice Sinclair held up KAIROS’ campaign as an example of people taking the initiative and not waiting for governments or anyone else to respond to the Calls to Action.
KAIROS also recently welcomed Canadians for a New Partnership (CFNP) as a partner in the Education for Reconciliation action. During an online KAIROS campaign check-in earlier this month, CFNP President and CEO Stephen Kakfwi described Call to Action 62.i as one of the most important because it addresses the ignorance that is at the root of the discrimination and racism facing Indigenous Peoples in Canada.