Letter to the Globe & Mail editor: Carbon credit protest

Letter to the editor

Carbon credit protest

The deal between the Ontario, Quebec and Mexican governments to purchase carbon offsets was made despite the strong objections of Mexico’s indigenous people, who are adamantly opposed to selling carbon credits (Provinces Sign Greenhouse Gas Agreement With Mexico – Report on Business, Sept. 1).

For them, turning the carbon-absorption capacity of their forests into a commodity to be bought and sold violates the sacredness of Mother Earth.

California has been heavily criticized for letting its industries purchase credits from projects in Mexico without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples affected.

While Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says the goal of an international carbon market is to cut the cost of greenhouse gas reductions, this must not come at the cost of violating indigenous rights.

John Dillon, KAIROS, Ecological Justice Program Co-ordinator

Filed in: Ecological Justice


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