Women of Courage partners and International Women’s Week

International Women's Day

An overview of Women of Courage activities during International Women’s Week. Peruse the photo album at the bottom of this page.

EcuVoice – ecumenical voice for peace and human rights in the Philippines

“We are women of faith. Today with deeper resolve, we are committed to continue the work of our forebears who decided that to RISE UP is an option and to fight for justice is a work of a spirit-filled life. We are women of faith. And today we are one with the people calling to end tyranny and oppression.

We rise against the weaponization of the laws that curtail our civil and political rights and put the lives of our brothers, sisters, sons and daughters in peril as they take the option of serving the poor and in pursuing peace based on justice.”

Read full statement

Héritiers de la Justice and South Sudan Council of Churches

Members of Héritiers de la Justice, DR Congo, invited by the South Sudan Council of Churches, meet up in Juba, South Sudan to celebrate International Women’s Day and World Women’s Day of Prayer.

An Indicator of success is when Women of Courage: Women, Peace and Security partners come together in solidarity on their own. Members of Héritiers de la Justice, DR Congo, invited by the South Sudan Council of Churches, meet up in Juba, South Sudan to celebrate International Women’s Day and World Women’s Day of Prayer.

Héritiers de la Justice statement (French only)

World Council of Churches (WCC) statement: On International Women’s Day, WCC urges churches to join Thursdays in Black towards a world without rape and violence

Wi’am: Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center

On Friday, March 6, KAIROS staff and some of the participants in the recent delegation to Palestine and Israel connected by Zoom with Lucy Talgieh, Women’s Project Coordinator of Wi’am: Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center, and partner of the KAIROS Women of Courage: Women, Peace and Security program. Lucy and a member of the KAIROS staff had planned to attend the Commission on the Status of Women in New York, but the spread of the coronavirus led to its cancellation. A quarantine in Bethlehem, where Wi’am is based, has also prevented Wi’am from implementing their Women’s Rights are Human Rights campaign for International Women’s Week. This work will continue once the quarantine is over, and we will share more about the campaign at that time. In the meantime, let’s show our solidarity by listening to Lucy’s words as she explains the importance of Wi’am’s work, and its impact on women and their communities.

Organización Femenina Popular (OFP)

“We are women living in rural and urban areas who are building a grassroots feminist economy.”

For International Women’s Day, the Organización Femenina Popular (OFP) co-organized a week of activities with other local organizations who are part of a network known as the Territorial Agendas for Peace.

The week’s activities demonstrated the strength of women’s participation in political processes, which fills us with great joy and hope.

Read full blog post: The OFP Commemorates International Women’s Day by Highlighting Grassroots Feminist Economies

2020: International women’s week in photos

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Filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage


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