“I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how
we are shaping the future of our planet. We need a
conversation which includes everyone…” Pope Francis, Laudato Si’
Learn about the ecological leadership of some Canadian Catholic women religious and how to engage in ecological justice.
Sr. Priscilla Solomon, CSJ coordinator of the Faith and
Justice ministry in her congregation, with special attention
to ecological and Indigenous justice, recently supported
Indigenous and church leaders from the Amazon, while
they attended the Synod of the Amazon in Rome.
Sr. Linda Gregg, CSJ coordinates an 80 plot organic
community garden at St. Joseph Villa in Cobourg. She
ministers as an experienced Retreat Director, Spiritual
Director, as an Organic Master Gardener and faculty member
of the Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto.
R . S . V . P . H E R E
h t t p s : / / w w w . f a i t h c o m m o n g o o d . o r g /
w o m e n _ o f _ f a i t h _ e c o l e a d e r s _ w e b i n a r
Contact: Agnes Richard, Coordinator, GCCM Canada
Sponsored by the Global Catholic Climate Movement and Faith & the Common Good