Call for the release of vulnerable prisoners in the Philippines

hands behind bars

KAIROS  joins several Canadian development, human rights, solidarity and ecumenical organizations, churches and trade unions in sending a letter to the Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines urging him to work with his counterparts in the Philippines to ensure the release of the most vulnerable non-violent and political prisoners.  

At 534 percent of their capacity in March 2020, the Philippines has the most overcrowded jails in the world. These conditions make physical distancing and isolation of infected detainees impossible. The implications of this are dire, risking the uncontrollable spread of the deadly virus, putting those detained in a  highly vulnerable position to be infected. 

The call for release of prisoners is broadly backed by a variety of sectors in the Philippines including the churches and human rights organizations and is in line with the call of the UN Commissioner for Human Rights.  This letter was written in support of the work being undertaken by our partners including Karapatan and the National Union of Public Lawyers who are both members of EcuVoice. 

Filed in: Asia-Pacific


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