A KAIROS Atlantic Regional Online Gathering
Note: this event will be in two sessions
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 at 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM AST
A panel discussion
A panel discussion
Tara Lewis, Eskasoni First Nation, protector of Mi’kma’ki treaty rights
Tara Lewis, Eskasoni First Nation, protector of Mi’kma’ki treaty rights
Denise Cole, Inuit Labrador Land Protector
Husoni Raymond, Black Lives Matter Fredericton
Brittany Drummond, African Nova Scotian racial justice advocate
Panelists will speak to the history of race relations in Canada, specifically in regard to how that history continues to impact their communities and their own lives.
This session will conclude with some provocative questions to ponder and bring back to the discussion on Saturday.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 at 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM AST
An interactive learning session
An interactive learning session
Presentations and participatory activities will focus on acknowledging our own racism and learning what it means to be a good ally – how good intentions are not enough.
SUGGESTED ADDITION: For KAIROS Local Groups or other activists who know each other, consider inviting your group or people from your community to safely gather at one location in-person or online to talk about the history and current-day realities of racism in your own place. Early afternoon might be a good time for this local connecting.