Gloria Chicaiza Aguilar

Gloria Chicaiza Aguilar has a degree in clinical psychology from the Central University of Ecuador. She is a defender of the rights of nature. She is past President of Acción Ecológica, and is currently their Mining Justice Coordinator. She is on the Board of the Observatory of Mining Conflicts of Latin America (OCMAL). She is also a member of the Latin American network of women Defenders of the Social and Environmental Rights.
Gloria was in Canada for the Ecumenical conference on mining in May 2011. In December 2015, she helped coordinate a delegation of 25 Indigenous women from Latin America to the UN COP 20 Dialogue on Climate Change. In July 2015, she travelled to the Philippines to participate and present at the International Peoples Conference on Mining. Gloria participated in the KAIROS Gendered Impact: Indigenous women and resource extraction symposium and GEMM (Global Energy Minerals and Markets ) 2015 Dialogue in Vancouver in October 2015 and the Convergence Assembly on Gendered Impacts of Resource Extraction organized by KAIROS and partner at the World Social Forum in Montreal, August 2016.