Viviane Michel

Viviane Michel is from Maliotenam. She is currently president of Quebec Native Women (QNW). She has been involved for over 10 years in QNW, first as director of the Innu Nation, then as Vice-President of the Association from 2010 to 2012. Bilingual, French and Innu Viviane Michel is a woman of tradition who makes it a point of honor to promote the traditional practices of her nation and to promote respect for the identity and culture of Indigenous nations and women. Her career as a frontline worker for the Missinak Aboriginal women shelter in Quebec led her to become familiar with the issues related to Aboriginal women. She also sat on the Aboriginal women shelters Network in Quebec coordinated by QNW which has developed many tools to adapt services to the cultural realities of Aboriginal women. In May of this year, Viviane travelled to her community as part of the community consultations organized by QNW and PASC on the gendered impacts of resource extraction.