Before doing anything, we suggest that you read this first…
Ally Bill of Responsibilities, Lynn Gehl
This ‘bill’ is a collection of thoughts on the responsibilities of non-Indigenous allies when interacting and working with Indigenous peoples and issues. It is important that non-Indigenous allies have some structure and guidance to prevent further harm to Indigenous peoples.
Taking Action: What You Can Do
- Inform yourself about the Inquiry by reading key reports and reviewing the timeline, then share what you learned with others.
- Sign the Amnesty International petition: “I stand with Indigenous Women and Families to End Violence”. A pledge to listen and act to end violence.
- Sign the Amnesty International petition: “Indigenous Women’s Lives Matter in Every Government Decision“. A pledge to make gender-based analysis mandatory in Canada’s regulatory process.
- Host or participate in a vigil: Sisters in Spirit & Annual Women’s Memorial Marches.
- Host a community project: Faceless Dolls, REDress Project, Walking with Our Sisters, The Men’s Banner Project, Dream Catchers Project, Missing Earings Project, Month of Prayers, Beaded Hearts Project, Patchwork of Hope Project.
- Get involved in the Moose Hide Campaign: Men taking a stand against violence towards Aboriginal women and children.
- The Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin / I am a Kind Man Initiative engages men to speak out against all forms of abuse towards women, using the Seven Grandfather Teachings to show how to live in harmony with Creation through wisdom, love, respect, bravery, honesty, humility and truth.
- Feathers for Our Women calls on educators and student leaders to engage youth on issues relating to MMIWG by getting open discussions going in schools.
- Legacy Quilts will be proudly displayed in Ontario community schools to serve as a reminder to youth about the ongoing issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous women and girls and LGBTQ2S individuals. For more information or to participate contact or
- Invite a speaker to your event or meeting.
- Host a book night or start a book club. For suggestions, see Books under the resources section.
- Host a film night. For suggestions, see Films and Videos under the resources section.
- Walk, run or ride. Some examples: pilgrimage walk, running to raise awareness, running to raise funds, Journey of Hope inspires music video, Walk4Justice, motorcycle pilgrimage.
- Participate in social media photo campaign We Care MMIWG. Take a photo of yourself holding a sign that says #WeCare #MMIWG; then post and share on your personal social media accounts using the hashtags #WeCare #MMIWG. Watch Video.
- Follow #MMIW #MMIWG #mmiwg2s #fsis #sheismissed #wewaitforyou #AmInext #IamNotNext #SistersInSpirit #WeCare #ShadesOfOurSisters